AZOR: File Formats - ArtFile (ART)

(1997R1 art file format, prepared in cooperation with Modern Cartoons.)

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An ART file consists of a series of entries that define a scene. Each entry begins with a header line, followed by a block of attribute lines. Header and attribute line formats are different for each type of entry.

Entry Header Line
Attribute 1
Attribute 2
Attribute 3
. . .

The attribute block is indented under the header to improve readability. The following example shows a sample entry of type, 'SETUP':

	adapt 3
	depth 1
	active camera1
	image aa*01.tga tga32-10
	ambient 0.3 0.2 0.1
	filter box 1	

ART Entries:

The ART file supports the following entries:

Views Camera views.
Setup Render preferences.
Lights Point-source lights.
Beams Directional lights.
Spots Spot lights.
Objects Rendered objects.
Materials Surfaces and textures.
World Visible object list.


Each view entry defines parameters for one camera; multiple views may be defined.

'VIEW'camera_name View header.
'SIZE'width height Dimensions of render window, in pixels.
'ASPECT'width height Image aspect ratio.
'WINDOW' l b r t Specify rectangle edges: left, bottom, right, top.
'WIDEVIEW' Apply field-of-view horizontally (vertical is default).
'MOTION POSITION' Motion header: position.
'&' x y z Coordinates of camera.
'MOTION TARGET Motion header: target.
'&' x y z Coordinates of camera's lookat target.
'MOTION FOV Motion header: field-of-view.
'&' angle Field-of-view angle, in degrees.

Example View:

view	camera1
	size 720 326
	aspect 4   3
	window 300 200 460 320
	motion position
		& 100. 100. 100.
		& 95. 100. 100.
		& 90. 95. 100.
	motion target
		& 0. 0. 0.
		& 1. 0. 0.
		& 0. 1. 0.
	motion up+fov
		& 0. 0. 0. 4
		& 1. 0. 0. 3
		& 0. 1. 0. 2

ART Entries


The setup entry defines important render preferences; one setup may be defined.

SETUP Setup header.
ADAPT level Adaptive sampling: level.
DEPTH reflective transparent Recursive limits for reflection and transparency.
ACTIVE CameraName Current active camera.
IMAGE filename format * Output image: file name and image format.
* The optional attribute 'flip' at the end of this declaration will indicate that the image is to be flipped horizontally before output.
AMBIENT r g b Scene ambient color: red, green, blue.
FILTER type size Filter type and filter window size.

Filter types include: BOX, TRIANGLE, GAUSSIAN, LANZCOS.

Example Setup:

	adapt 3
	depth 1
	active camera1
	image aa*01.tga tga32-10
	ambient 0.3 0.2 0.1
	filter box 0	

ART Entries


A light entry defines one point-light source. Multiple lights may be defined.

'LIGHT' light_name Light header.
'BRIGHT' level Brightness level.
'SHADOW' Enables ray-traced shadows.
'SAFE' distance Limit of shadow distance.
'MOTION COLOR Motion header: color.
'&' r g b
Light color: red, green, blue.
'MOTION POSITION Motion header: position.
'&' x y z
Coordinates of light.

Example Light:

light	lite1
	bright 1.0
	motion position+color
		& 100. 140. 90. 1. 1. 1.

ART Entries


A beam entry defines one directional light. Multiple beams may be defined.

'BEAM' beam_name Beam header.
'BRIGHT' level Brightness level.
'SHADOW' Enables ray-traced shadows.
'BUFFER' xdim ydim Creates shadow buffer of given dimensions.
'BUFFERTOL' margin Shadow buffer safety margin.
'SAFE' distance Limit of shadow distance.
'SOFT' size falloff Soft shadow: size and falloff.
'MOTION COLOR' Motion header: color.
'&' r g b
Beam color: red, green, blue.
'MOTION TARGET' Motion header: target.
'&' x y z
Beam's direction vector.

Example Beam:

beam	backsun
	bright 0.4
	buffer 600 600
	buffertol 1.23
	soft 3 2.1
	motion target+color
		& 5. 200. -30. 1. 1. 0.6

ART Entries


A spot entry defines a directional light that radiates from a point source. Multiple spots may be defined.

'SPOT' spot_name Spot header.
'BRIGHT' level Brightness level.
'SHADOW' Enables ray-traced shadows.
'BUFFER' xdim ydim Creates shadow buffer of given dimensions.
'BUFFERTOL' margin Shadow buffer safety margin.
'SAFE' distance Limit of shadow distance.
'SOFT' size falloff Soft shadow: size and falloff.
'CONE' angle Angle for soft edge transition.
'MOTION COLOR' Motion header: color.
'&' r g b
Spot color: red, green, blue.
'MOTION POSITION' Motion header: position.
'&' x y z Coordinates of spot.
'MOTION TARGET' Motion header: target.
'&' x y z
Coordinates of spot's lookat target.

Example Spot:

spot spotRed2B
	bright 0.4
	safe 0.5
	cone 0.3 
	buffer 600 600
	buffertol 1.23
	motion color+position+target+fov
		& 1.0 5.0 1.0 5. 200. -30. 1. 1. 0.6 0.25

ART Entries


An object entry defines one geometrical object. Multiple objects may be defined. A parent object must be defined before it is referenced by a child object.

OBJECT Name Object header.
PARENT ParentName Name of parent object.
USE geometryfile Object's geometry file source.
ROOT geometryfile Object core geometry file for merging with character skins.
SERV serv-program portnumber argument1 argument2 Launch an external program to create geometry, connect to port portnumber and retrieve geometry. arg1 & arg2 are passed to serv-program along with the portnumber.
MOTION * Supported motion tracks:
POSITION, translation
SCALE, scale
Q, object orientation

Example Objects:
object square
	parent floor
	motion position+scale+q
		&  10. 10. 20. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.
object body
	use body*
	root body0000.bf_
	serv /usr/local/bin/geochar 3100
		/mq/no-lips/ /mq/no-lips/take6/take.wvm
	motion position+scale+q
		& 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.

ART Entries


The material header is followed by a block of surface entries. Multiple surface entries may be defined in the material block.

'MATERIAL Material header.
SURFACE surface_name Surface header.
COLOR r g b Surface color: red, green, blue.
property Property color or scale.
modifier see attributes below.
TEXTURE ... Texture header.
MAP [MIX] property filename Texture map declaration.

KA Ambient base object lighting (combined with scene ambient)
KL Luminant glow color
KD Diffuse flat lighting color
KS Specular hilight color
KR Reflect reflectivity
KT Glass transparency
These attributes modify the surface properies or create custom effects:
gloss value Hilight size (0-1)
index value refraction index of transparent material (1 - inf)
alpha value compositing transparency in final image (0-1)
invis disables the surface from casting shadows

Specifying properties:
Six properties associated with a surface can be assigned independents color using their property attribute, or can be a percentage of the object color. The choice is made by using the attribute's full name, or use the k-description.
For example, these two methods define a surface's diffuse color to be 50% red. The first uses an independant color, the second links diffuse to the object color and scales it to 50%.

	diffuse 0.5 0.0 0.0 
	color	1 0 0
	kd      0.5
If no attribute declaration is made, the property is off.

Example Materials:

	surface matte_white
		color 1.0 1.0 1.0
		ka 0.3
		kd 0.8
		reflect 0.4 0.35 0.3
			map mix color ivory.tga
	surface red_glow_fog
		ambient 1.0 0.5 0.0
		diffuse 0.0 0.4 0.2
		specular 1.0 0.2 0.0
		gloss 0.3
		alpha 0.5
ART Entries


The world entry specifies which objects are to be rendered.
'OB' object_name

Example World:

	ob floor
	ob square

ART Entries

©1997 Twin Forces, Inc. All rights reserved.
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